
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Invest In The Giant You

Chinna here with a thought to share. It's funny how life gives you what you really want. People (some people) may think that life is throwing them lemons or they just have bad luck, and others look like they have the midas touch (every thing they touch turns to gold)...but really what you feed.. grows. I was reading something that gave me a ah ha moment & I'll share a little bit of this with you. As children we are taught to go to school, get a good education, go to work & retire (conform) to society standards. I asked my daughter what did she want to be when she grew up (5 yrs ago) and she said a doctor. I asked why & she said she wants to make alot of money! It sounded ok to me at the time. She never mentioned she wanted to practice medicine or help sick people. My logic didn't recognize that if it's money that she love maybe she should be a banker...humm, what a thought. My point is this, GOD has blessed everyone with an innate powerful talent & natural skill that from day one we are being DEPROGRAMMED to do. I look around and I see so many beautiful, talented people who are scared of their power (or are comfortable not being & doing what they were born to do). I challenge everyone (including myself) to go where they haven't been to do what they were meant to do. I'm talking about deep within yourself & let the GIANT (within you) lead the way. It will not be easy..but it's well worth it & it's NEVER to late. GOD Bless : )

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year Everyone! It's time to recommit to your plan... your life : )  I was on a millionaire mentorship call tonight and WOW, it was an eye opener! The speaker said to go through & reflect on all the things you did RIGHT this year. He said that people generally reflect on all the things they did wrong (so they won't do it again) and start the new year on a negative note. He said millionaires reflect on the things they did right... hummm, I never knew that! 2011 has been a great year! I met some awesome people that I never would have met if it wasn't for network marketing. This is just a short little post, because I have much work to do, but let me leave this on your mind. This millionaire speaker said, when you make your goals...don't go telling everyone (your true goals for the year). He said tell ONLY the people who can help you reach them! Thanks for stopping by..and I will be waiting to hear from YOU : )

Chinna Liddell
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