
Thursday, April 28, 2011

What Does Americas Top Model Have To Do With Building My Business?

Yes, America's Top Model is what I said! Since I was doing the 30 day mental cleanse, I couldn't watch TV. That ended last week so, I watched a show with my daughters called, yep, you guessed it (americas top model). To make a very long story short, I'm going straight to the end of the show & tell you that it was 2 girls on the bottom (one was about to get kicked off), because in the show it can only be one top model. We know in real life that just isn't true, but back to the story. Tyra Banks said to one girl that she was consistent but had an attitude & the other girl had the beautiful face & body but no confidence & then she said it! A lesson told to me before but this time I heard it, I saw it & understood it! 

Tyra said CONSISTENCY will always win over being better! WOW, an ah-ha moment! That applies to business & life. That was just an itty bitty nugget for my fellow network marketing friends!

Here's a quote to leave you with:   If YOU change your self-image, by default, your WORLD changes!

            Chinna Liddell

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who Said Goal Setting Doesn't Work?

No that wasn't me! "For millions of people goal setting doesn't work." Said by multimillionaire Joe Shroeder! I'm going to write some excerps from his book "Discipline Of Doership" which in chapter eight he explains how to cement your dreams in stone. He talks about all the seminars & life coaches people buy & dream boards people make & it's a waste of time! WHAT!!!!!! Well WHY? Here's his answer.

"Because what shows up gets in their way, almost everytime, screws them up . It's called RESISTANCE. It's called life. It's called they don't BELIEVE in the very fantasies they tell themselves!"

Another reason?   People place more value on WHAT ISN"T than on what IS!

What does work?   BECOME the feeling of success! (you must reprogram your sub-conscious mind)
I challenge YOU to take back your mind. You have been programmed since the age of two!

Here's one of Joes quotes to remember In YOUR network marketing journey:  "The distance between success & failure is fractional."

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mental Cleanse, What Is That? No TV?

Hi Networkers! I'm sharing my lesson that I wrote on a Think & Grow Rich mastermind group.
It's Michael Dlouhys Mental Cleanse call! It's where you turn off the tv & radio (and all the negative garbage) you hear & get focused on the principles of Becoming more! We are on the last chapter, but It will start all over again next week. Join my facebook group "Think & Grow Rich Networking Tribe" to find out more info!

Chapter 15 How To Outwit The Six Ghosts Of Fear

This chapter makes me dig deep. Time of me writing this lesson I'm not finished with my self evaluation. So far I instantly recognized my fear of criticism. I have been diligently working on those symptoms that I recognise in myself. At first I didn't trust myself enough to accurately DO the self analysis on myself. I called a friend of mine who has known me since I was 14. She has seen all my successes & my failures as well. I consulted with my Infinite Power in Prayer & when I was finished, I knew this was a job I had to do myself.

Ok, back to my fear of criticism. I have had these fears since I was a teenager. These symptoms (self-consciousness, lack of poise) I recognized long ago. But something smacked me in the head when I examined the SYMPTOMS of the fear of poverty. I received three punches in the stomach, (Procrastination, Indifference & Doubt)! They have latched on to me without me being consciously aware. I don't know when that happened & I'm not going to focus on that. I will however finish this self evaluation & implement the PROPER use of my desire to eliminate my symptoms. My Infinite Power & I will work on eliminating my fears. Napoleon Hill said it best when he said " All you can control is your state of mind." I deliberately surround myself with beautiful people who influence me to think & act for myself. I appreciate Michael & Linda for the Mental Cleanse because it's therapeutic. Everyone has a purpose & a birthright to be happy & live the life of their dreams. Discovering my fear enlightened me about what was holding me back in my network marketing business. Thanks Mastermind Group for sharing your brilliance.

        Chinna Liddell
Mentor with a servants heart 

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What One Can Do To Increase Their Chance For Success In Network Marketing

It's very important that you take self inventory of yourself. Get healthy. Eat healthy foods, take your vitamins & drink plenty of water. I say this is first because you will need a massive amount of energy when you start in this industry. It's important that you organize and prioritize EVERYTHING. Most people work full time outside of the home in the beginning, until they can create enough income from home. Cut negative people & things out of your life immediately. I call them energy vampires because they drain you after a 10 minute conversation, you know what I'm talking about. Find two great mentors who have the success you want & model them. Be coach-able with an open mind, but never ignore your sixth sense, everyone has one. Never neglect your family for your business or your success will elude you. Seek out personal development and never stop educating yourself on the industry & your target market. Last but not least, develop great people skills. If you have that and are average in the other areas, you still will accomplish your goal faster than someone that can not build relationships. Remember, people follow people, NOT companies or products. Believe in yourself and visualize already having success and you're half way there! If you are struggling to find people to talk to, give them a free tool to help them build their business (or free e-book, training,ect). Enjoy building your business. If it's not fun, you're not doing it right!