
Thursday, April 7, 2011

What One Can Do To Increase Their Chance For Success In Network Marketing

It's very important that you take self inventory of yourself. Get healthy. Eat healthy foods, take your vitamins & drink plenty of water. I say this is first because you will need a massive amount of energy when you start in this industry. It's important that you organize and prioritize EVERYTHING. Most people work full time outside of the home in the beginning, until they can create enough income from home. Cut negative people & things out of your life immediately. I call them energy vampires because they drain you after a 10 minute conversation, you know what I'm talking about. Find two great mentors who have the success you want & model them. Be coach-able with an open mind, but never ignore your sixth sense, everyone has one. Never neglect your family for your business or your success will elude you. Seek out personal development and never stop educating yourself on the industry & your target market. Last but not least, develop great people skills. If you have that and are average in the other areas, you still will accomplish your goal faster than someone that can not build relationships. Remember, people follow people, NOT companies or products. Believe in yourself and visualize already having success and you're half way there! If you are struggling to find people to talk to, give them a free tool to help them build their business (or free e-book, training,ect). Enjoy building your business. If it's not fun, you're not doing it right!


  1. This is a nice list of some important thing to do for the correct mind-set in business.
    Great success Tool to Have, Thanks

  2. It's been said that: it's not your words, but your actions that define who are.

    In the limited time I have know Chinna Liddell, I can tell you the she is a person of action, a great industry leader, a top producer and a person who puts other people’s needs above her own.

    She represents the best of the next generation on online entrepreneurs.

    If High Income and Time Freedom are Your Objectives, I highly reccommend teaming up with Chinna Liddell.

    Art Phelps


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