
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who Said Goal Setting Doesn't Work?

No that wasn't me! "For millions of people goal setting doesn't work." Said by multimillionaire Joe Shroeder! I'm going to write some excerps from his book "Discipline Of Doership" which in chapter eight he explains how to cement your dreams in stone. He talks about all the seminars & life coaches people buy & dream boards people make & it's a waste of time! WHAT!!!!!! Well WHY? Here's his answer.

"Because what shows up gets in their way, almost everytime, screws them up . It's called RESISTANCE. It's called life. It's called they don't BELIEVE in the very fantasies they tell themselves!"

Another reason?   People place more value on WHAT ISN"T than on what IS!

What does work?   BECOME the feeling of success! (you must reprogram your sub-conscious mind)
I challenge YOU to take back your mind. You have been programmed since the age of two!

Here's one of Joes quotes to remember In YOUR network marketing journey:  "The distance between success & failure is fractional."

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chinna,

    I am really looking forward to reading your blog!
    It's great and i just love your insight!



Please share your thoughts and ideas! I appreciate your wisdom.