
Monday, June 13, 2011

Three Big Secrets For Attracting People!

Hello beautiful people! I'm going to give you the Triple A Formula for attracting more people to you. The first A stands for Acceptance. It's like a vitamin. We all hunger to be accepted for the way that WE ARE. Few people ever are brave enough to be themselves completely when dealing with other people.

As a psychologist expressed it " No one has the power to reform another, but by LIKING the other person as HE IS, you give him the power to change himself." 

The second A stands for Approval. This goes a little further than acceptance. It goes beyond tolerating anothers' faults and finds something positive that we can like. The third A stands for Appreciation. This is magic, because when we appreciate a person, it raises their value.

The Real secret of an attractive personality is to offer OTHER people the food they are hungry for. People are as hungry for certain things as flies are for honey.

The quote I would like to leave you with today is by Panchatantra: " A wise man, to accomplish his end, may even carry his foe on his shoulder"

To Your Success,
Chinna Liddell


  1. Chinna, You are so right! Acceptance, Approval and Appreciation are wonderful when you receive them from someone else. It makes it obvious then why we should offer those 3 A's to others. I always like your short and to the point posts!
    Your gal friend,

  2. I love your three "A"s"... right on the money with this post! + )

  3. This is how you get distributors. You must be Attractive this is so attractive. If People do not get this they will keep failing. At everything

  4. Your three secrets for attracting people are awesome Chinna. Just make me think that those 3 A's work absolutely great together.

  5. This the evidence of true leadership.

    Great formula for success. This is not taught is schools so sink your teeth into this ever so valuable insight and don't let go.

    Great Piece Chinna,

    Danny & Laura

  6. This is just what most need to put into practice in order to create better communities. If we can only make it a constant practice to apply those 3 A's we could lift those despairs and low self esteem from so many. Fantastic post again Chinna.

  7. Thanks for your comments, I have to be diligent in practicing what I preach! lol I have the best group of friends on the planet to keep our success at the forefront. Teamwork makes the dream work! I appreciate all of you.

  8. Wow powerful thoughts today, and so true. So first be the person that see the best in others, and expresses that!

  9. Hey Chinna,
    Short and straight to the point, thanks for the three A's words to live by, I learn new things from each of your posts, thanks for adding value for my time, I appreciate you, looking forward to your next post.

  10. Hi Chinna!! Thanks for sharing the 2 'A's. Love the simplicity of your message. Also liked when you said; "Few people ever are brave enough to be themselves completely when dealing with other people." So true.
    Thank you again Chinna!!

  11. Este o problema stimata d-na. nu stiu engleza
    Sint din Romania incepator complect
    programe lipsa , ceva imposibil
    nu stiu in ce am amestecat , dar oricum
    multe multumiri , voi traduce text
    Traducere din Română în Engleză
    Dear Ms. problem is I do not know English
    I am complete beginner in Romania
    programs lack, something impossible
    I do not know how mixed but anyway
    many thanks, I'll translate text

  12. Chinna,

    This is good stuff. Thanks for sharing these tips I can imagine what will happen when you implement all three into your business model. Thanks for your leadership. LaKeisha

  13. Acceptance, Approval and Appreciation are things we start craving as infants and it never changes. If only we remember that great relationships are built on those three "A"s. Thank you, Chinna for reminding us how we need to keep them in mind as we build our relationships and our businesses.


Please share your thoughts and ideas! I appreciate your wisdom.