
Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year !!!

Happy New Year Everyone! It's time to recommit to your plan... your life : )  I was on a millionaire mentorship call tonight and WOW, it was an eye opener! The speaker said to go through & reflect on all the things you did RIGHT this year. He said that people generally reflect on all the things they did wrong (so they won't do it again) and start the new year on a negative note. He said millionaires reflect on the things they did right... hummm, I never knew that! 2011 has been a great year! I met some awesome people that I never would have met if it wasn't for network marketing. This is just a short little post, because I have much work to do, but let me leave this on your mind. This millionaire speaker said, when you make your goals...don't go telling everyone (your true goals for the year). He said tell ONLY the people who can help you reach them! Thanks for stopping by..and I will be waiting to hear from YOU : )

Chinna Liddell
Take a tour & grab my FREE Report


  1. I'm telling myself 2012 is going to be my year for success!

  2. Hi Chinna, That is awesome advice! It's true, I think we like a New Year because we want to do something about the negatives. But I like this attitude. Positive is always much more productive. Thanks for the power packed short post.
    Have a fab year!

  3. Happy New Year to you, Chinna! May 2012 be your best year yet, and may you prosper in everything. Your blog posts motivate and inspire us. You are a blessing to our lives as you share your successes and your wisdom with us. Keep teaching us, motivating us and inspiring us to our greatness. You rock! :-)

    To Your Success,

  4. That's great because even in the church, God was speaking the same message to us. The Word was "Dont take it with you" all of the mess and failures of 2011 must be left in 2011 so that we can be Blessed beyond measure in 2012! I agree with you.


Please share your thoughts and ideas! I appreciate your wisdom.