
Saturday, May 28, 2011

There Are Brilliant People Everywhere. Where Did They Come From?

Yes, I know this topic has NOTHING to do with free resources for your business! I know this. I promise I will give you more free tools then you will know what to do with. I want to first tell you a little secret. I haven't done my blog in a 5 days (since monday) ! yep, it's true. I've been reading everyone elses blogs & WOW, they are awesome. I learned something this week. When I take the time to get to know the person behind the picture, the blog, the post, magic starts to happen! 

When you eliminate your agenda & learn about the other persons dream & fears, you will know from your intuition that comes from our Infinite Power that this person is special & you can help them. If they are more skilled, you can learn from them & build a relationship & when the time is right, you will have a like-minded business partner for life! 

Now, you are in for a treat. I found a blog that I read this week ( I can't even count how many blogs I read!) that was my favorite of them all. I'm reposting it here! It's written by Franco Gonzales

People ask: 

-"how can I find leads" 
-"how can I get prospects" 

"I" "me" "I"... 

In this arena, to succeed and find all the people you'll ever need you need to re-train your brain to think like this:

 -"How can I serve more people?"
-"How can I learn something today that I can share with others and serve them?"

The entrepreneur always thinks from a standpoint of "how can I serve" and "be the value" to someone else...

From that angle... you can then open your eyes and all of a sudden, there are people everywhere...

 -Down the street (farm a neighborhood with post cards or flyers or booklets)

 -On facebook (over 500 million and lots of networkers

-On youtube


It's a sublime change of mind from:

 "Who the heck is going to help me?"
"Please help me, me, me..."
"I need this... I need that..."


"What can I learn today to add value to myself and share with others?"

"What are people asking about? How can I serve them by showing them to some info?"

That's how people move...

That's how people influence...

That's how people serve...

And that's how boards move... when people move...


Welcome to the world of the entrepreneurship... The problem solver.. The solution and the "go to person"

The more problems and the bigger problems you solve for others... the deeper your pockets fill with cash...

Isn't that awesome?  This was written by Franco Ganzoles 

Chinna Liddell
Click Here For Your FREE Recruiting Tool!

1 comment:

  1. You chose a great article to be your favorite! There is so much power in what Franco says. Get the "What can I get" out of the equation and ask "How can I serve".
    Top notch inspiration here!
    Thank you Chinna!


Please share your thoughts and ideas! I appreciate your wisdom.